A short video documentary about the Kanneh-Mason family, a world phenomenon in new classical music talent...
As part of its big re-opening in 2021, Nottingham Castle commissioned us to make a series of videos about famous modern-day rebels from the city of Nottingham.
This documentary was about the Kanneh-Mason family, two parents and seven children from the city who all share a deep love and a prodigious talent for classical music. The documentary centres around Sheku and Braimah, the two oldest brothers, but also features commentary from the mother Kadiatu.
This was filmed around the same time as the BBC1 Christmas Day documentary about the family and at points we were in touch with the BBC crew to share footage. Our film was shown for several months in an exhibition room at Nottingham Castle. Since then it has been licensed for use in schools around the city.
See also our film with Richard Whitehead MBE from this series.